Wednesday 21 August 2013

No-Bake Eclair

Okay, everyone likes simple and tasty desserts.
A No-Bake one too?

Picture this....
It is summer, and you are feeling lazy and you just been told company is coming but you really don't want to turn on the oven to start baking.
here is an easy-peasy No-Bake dessert.

This is soooooo good!
You can not stop on one bite, I mean one-slice, I mean one-pan.

I heard of this recipe through my co-worker/friend when she brought it over for a work potluck.
Dear God, I almost wish she hadn't.
Because I have now made this twice at home!!!

*The original recipe is to be found here

No-Bake Éclair

Graham Crackers (1-box)

*Line the bottom of either a glass or metal pan/dish (9x10) with the graham crackers;
making sure the bottom is all covered with the crackers.

Filling:   2 boxes of Vanilla Instant Pudding Mix
               3 cups milk
               1 container of Cool-Whip
*Using a hand-mixer, I beat the vanilla pudding mix and the milk together on medium-speed until combined.
*Using a rubber-spatula, I mixed in the Cool-Whip, until combined.
**Set aside.

Chocolate Topping:   1/3 cup cocoa powder
                                   1 cup granulated sugar
                                   1/4 cup milk
                                   1/2 cup butter
                                   1 tsp pure vanilla extract

*In a small saucepan, on medium-heat, bring the cocoa, sugar, and milk to a rolling-boil.
**Boil for approx. 1-minute, stirring frequently. 
You don't want it to burn and it will if left unattended.
*Remove from heat and let cool for approx. 1-2 minutes.
*Add the butter and vanilla extract and stir until butter is melted.


*Spread 1/2 of the Filling onto the Graham Crackers.
*Place more Crackers on top of the Filling.
*Spread the other-half of the Filling onto the Graham Crackers.
*Place more Crackers on top of the Filling.
*Pour the Chocolate Topping onto the Graham Crackers.

It should cover all.  The topping will have thickened a bit.
IF it is a bit runny, then too much butter was added, but don't worry, it will not alter the taste.
(This is what happened to me the 2nd time).

*Refrigerate, as long as possible or until the chocolate sets.    The original recipe states overnight.
You might not even want to wait that long, but the longer the wait, the better it is for the dessert.
Not for you.

It should be named Crack Dessert.
Because honestly you can't stop at one piece.
Which is why there is only one picture, my family/friends devoured it before I could take any pictures.

Let me know what you think.

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